These tasks are addressed in the Administering section.

Some configuration changes are made more frequently or do not have a global effect. They address tasks that are typically run one time and have a global effect. Configuring Run the following tasks after you install and deploy HCL Digital Experience.Digital Experience application deployment This section outlines features and functionality delivered as part of continuous integration and continuous delivery for HCL Digital Experience.Digital Experience on containerized platforms Learn how to deploy HCL Digital Experience as a cloud-native platform and optimize business-critical digital experiences for your customers.Digital Experience on non-containerized platforms Learn how to deploy HCL Digital Experience as a non-containerized application and optimize web content and applications to deliver differentiated, personalized experiences for your customers.Creating your website Review the following topics to understand how to create your website using the latest HCL Digital Experience.Manual uninstallation instructions are provided for a single-server configuration in case of an error situation. Removing HCL Portal in a single-server configuration is different from removing HCL Portal from a cluster. Uninstall Digital Experience - Traditional deployment Uninstalling the Digital Experience software is a multiple-step process and the method you use is dependent upon your configuration.Getting the software New and existing users need to register at the HCL Software License Portal and download their entitled HCL Digital Experience package(s).

Supported installation and upgrade paths Installation and upgrade is supported between equivalent HCL Digital Experience offerings.Supported migration paths Migration is supported between equivalent HCL Digital Experience offerings.Overview HCL Digital Experience provides a single access point to web content and applications, while it delivers differentiated, personalized experiences for each user across multiple touchpoints, such as web, mobile, hybrid mobile/web applications, and more.